I had the neatest couple visit me here in late November. A husband and wife (Kelly) came for an appointment. As we began the wig process, she quickly found a style and color she loved. It was a layered, contemporary bob with rich and striking highlights in the strawberry blonde family. She really wanted to make the purchase that day, but decided to check into the possibility of insurance coverage to help offset the cost. When she was clear on that information she would come back. In the meantime her husband contacted me and asked if he could pick up the wig as a surprise for Kelly. She was going to be returning to work after surgery in a couple of days and he really wanted her to feel confident about herself. Upon picking it up, we visited for a bit. It was so apparent that he would do anything to ease his wife’s pain especially the emotional pain of losing her hair. Since this is the season of giving, we spoke of ‘things’ and how unimportant they are in light of our loved one’s happiness. He had tears in his eyes as he spoke of his compassion and love for her. Off he went to surprise her. This is the beautiful note I received from her shortly after:
I just cant’ find the right words to thank you for my new look! As my husband gave me the bag my eyes swelled up with tears! God brought me an angel and it was you! I pray that you continue to be cancer free and can help others as you have helped me!
Merry Christmas my angel!