Knowing Thanksgiving is two days away, gives me reason to pause and reflect on the many things I am grateful for in my personal life as well as my business.
There is not a day that goes by where I am not thankful for the gift of healing in my body. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis in April of 2006 has been a life changing experience. I recall seeing a Larry King Live interview with Suzanne Somers, while I was going through my treatment, whom you may recall chose to fight her breast cancer through alternative means, no chemotherapy. I was laying on the couch with no hair, and not feeling well when I heard this interview. Suzanne was sharing that she had been cancer free for 5 years at that point. She made a comment I haven’t forgotten. She said “I can say I am truly grateful for the experience”. I remember thinking to myself, “Will I ever be able to say I am grateful for this experience’? I couldn’t imagine it! Well, as I am now cancer free for the 3rd year, I am gaining a much better perspective on the journey I was on and yes, I can now say I am truly grateful for the experience. I have found through adversity, there can be opportunity!
I would like to share a few of the many things I am grateful for are:
- Health which allows me to enjoy waking up to each fresh, new day
- Husband, John and 11 yr old twin step-daughters, Jahna and Mikala
- Mom, Alta
- Brother and Sister-in-Law, Dick and Kris
- Two adorable nieces, Mia and Shayla,
- Many good friends
- Pastor Joel Johnson/Westwood Community Church
- Oncologist Dr Brian Rank/Health Partners
- Massage Therapist Sandy Becklund
- Home
- Freedom/Soldiers who protect us every day
- Supportive outreach of It’s Still Me Wig Studio
- Christian Faith
- Hope in the midst of uncertainty
- Peace in the midst of worldly chaos
- Grace for all circumstances
- Gifts of love and forgiveness
- Courage to face both the good and the bad
- Every gorgeous sunrise and sunset/all of Minnesota’s beautiful seasons
- And…YOU!
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to reflect on the things you are most grateful for. A spirit of gratitude is contagious. Let’s spread the fact we are truly blessed amongst ourselves and we’ll be joyful people!